“..Special music.”
Mattie Poels / Music Frames
“It will take a lot of hard work to try and top a debut like this one…”
Eric Van Domburg Scipio / Heaven Magazine
“One of the comparisons that repeatedly pops into my mind when listening to ‘Väki’ is Peter Gabriel. In his way, Aarnio is able to create something catchy, joyful and captivating from everything at hand, which sounds at the same time familiar and completely new.”
Mika Roth / Desibeli.net
“The journey from deep undergrounds to the joyous exuberance is a fascinating one.”
Juha Seitz / Ilkka-Pohjalainen Magazine
”I have no idea why, and without particularly sounding like either, both Joni Mitchell and Carol King frequently crossed my mind whilst listening to this album.”
Bob Mulvey / The Progressive Aspect