News | Visual EP pt 1: ‘Pihani’

´Pihani´ is the 1st part of a music video trilogy coming out during fall ’20; videos were created in collaboration with Playart Productions. Teea Aarnio’s debut album will be published 2021. Album was created in collaboration with music producer Jukka Backlund.

“Basically this song is about accepting change, admitting mistakes, letting go of something that once was and in this case the lyrics tell about maturing to womanhood; there’s sorrow, and there’s also acceptance of the more deep, natural and authentic, underlying truths. And in the end; there’s a feeling of becoming, returning home.
Video deepens the original story of the song, connects inner nature to outer nature, and stretches out to the issues of deforestation here in Finland. Aggressive clearcutting is a problem here, and everywhere, and at the same time it’s a symptom of something quite profound that’s going on in human hearts. What we do to nature we do to ourselves.
´Pihani´is in English ´My Yards´, and to me, here, it speaks about the long, challenging travels that you face when you’re trying to find your home, and at the same time, it’s about the sorrows of seeing your home yard change.” –Teea
Director: Hedda Halinen
Cinematography: Ville Juurikkala
Writer: Teea Aarnio, Hedda Halinen 
Art director: Teea Aarnio 
Featuring: Susanna Lendiera 
Graphic design: Tuomas Saikkonen 
Coloring: Julius Koivistoinen 
Editing: Ville Juurikkala, Hedda Halinen, Teea Aarnio 
Video Production: Laura Kangasniemi, Playart Productions 
Video producer: Sophia Ehrnrooth, Playart Productions
Composer: Timo Kiiskinen
Lyrics: Kanteletar, Teea Aarnio
Arrangement: Jukka Backlund, Teea Aarnio, Timo Kiiskinen, Jouni Järvelä
Record producer: Jukka Backlund
Executive record producer: Teea Aarnio
Recording engineer: Oona Kapari, Jukka Backlund
Mixing engineer: Tommi Vainikainen
Mastering engineer: Jaakko Viitalähde, Virtalähde Mastering
Musicians: Jouni Järvelä, Antti Kujanpää, Aino Kurki, Oskari Lehtonen, Ape Anttila, Tero Hyväluoma, Harri Kuusijärvi
News | Visual EP pt 1: ‘Pihani’